After having so much fun with Cinne of Etsy shop by Cinne Worthington last month as our Summer Guest Stylist, we decided to invite her back! Only this time, we asked her to wave her magic creative wand at home decor and gave her a totally blank canvas to begin. Cinne took this opportunity to dive into the world of art and curated a collection around the theme of collecting art on Etsy. Cool angle, right? In her first installment, Cinne has created a virtual collectors "art wall" and I absolutely love how she's balanced the brighter pieces with a lightness to ease the eye through the collection. Even though you're looking at 25 individual pieces, Cinne's careful placement creates a beautiful tapestry of color, shape and flow. All items are available through Etsy and Cinne has created a super handy layout guide below, so be sure to check out all the links. And remember, this is just a primer for Cinne's next post which will be a more intimate look at home decor on Etsy!
Cinne's core focus here was to highlight "how wonderful it is to collect art on Etsy" - I think she's succeeded! What about you?

Vignette#1 - The Gallery Wall
7 Male Head 02 || rough fusion
Very interesting collection of art! Thanks so much for including my print!