An Introduction: Etsy Shop Timeless Vintage Finds

The internet brings the thrill of the hunt for vintage goodies right to your home through a click.  Sure, it's really fun to check your local paper for various yard sales + flea markets over the weekend, but you're still going to be limited to items in your area.  Haven't you ever wondered what shows up in other parts of the country?  Meet Brandi & Jason of Etsy shop Timeless Vintage Finds - your guides to Midwest vintage finds!  With a focus on industrial and retro, this husband and wife duo enjoy working together to bring their favorite picks directly to you.  With clean and crisp photography, you'll feel like you're right there with them picking through their latest finds!  What vintage goodies are awaiting a new history with you?   

Want to learn more?
Etsy Shop:


  1. Beautiful shop! Welcome to the team! :)

  2. I love the way you've photographed everything Brandi.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind compliment on my photography! It is SO much easier to photograph vintage than paper goods! I found upon opening this shop that I actually do have photography skills - they just dont apply to paper goods!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the feature Nanako & Amber! We are thrilled to be here!


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