An Introduction | Etsy Shop Semi Sweet Studios

Seeing the world through the eyes of a camera lens is a really wonderful experience.  With the coming of digital cameras, it is certain that photography has become much more accessible to people.  It's so easy to pick up a camera + take a photo -click, click.  But being a photographer entails a lot more than just 'pointing + shooting'.  Beyond understanding the technical end of using a digital camera, one has to understand the more subtle nuances of capturing a moment.  You're studying your subject matter, looking at the light, examining textures, checking the entire frame before you release the shutter.  It's like having a conversation with your environment + then communicating that in an image.  Kim of Etsy shop SemiSweet Studios shares her own unique conversation with country landscapes, seascapes, & landscapes.  Her soft palette is soothing + invites you in to experience the world in the way she sees it.  With 221 items to browse, including iPhone cases + jewelry, Kim makes it easy to bring home a little piece of a beautiful world.

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  1. Welcome Kim! Your work is wonderful

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Kim (we have a mutual friend). SO glad she is on the team!

  3. Welcome Kim! Your work is beautiful!

  4. So happy to have you with us, Kim! Love your shop!

  5. so much loveliness! great to see you here, him!


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